Welcome Crystal Rocker!

So glad you’re here and thank you for signing up to be a Crystal Rock Star VIP!

Enter and save this savings code anytime you make a purchase in the shop:
CRYSTALROCKERCLUB to get 10% off! 

To start off, join the crystal party and find out what your Crystal Rock Star name is with this fun crystal name generator!

What’s Next?

You'll receive a shooting star email message every month! (*Please check your junk folder in case you don’t see anything pop up.) To make sure you don’t miss any future email updates, please add the email address: newsletter@crystalrockstar.com to your contacts list. If you’re a Gmail user, simply drag this email into your Primary or Updates tabbed sections.

I hope to brighten up your day with some sparkly inspiration, first hand exclusive shop offers and life changing crystal healing tips to improve your well-being!

In the meantime, feel free to check out these informative links to learn more about crystal healing and using crystals as energetic tools to raise your vibration and improve your well being:

  1. How to Start a Crystal Journey
  2. Crystals for Protection Guide
  3. Chakra Healing with Crystals
  4. Healing the Heart from Pain and Anger
  5. How to Use Gem Elixirs for Meditation and Beauty

Browse and Connect

  1. Browse the shop HERE or on Etsy and find your new crystal or jewelry​ piece.
  2. Like the Crystal Rock Star Facebook page for crystal healing and vibrational healing info and shop updates!
  3. Instagram – If you’re a visual person, add the account @crystalrockers
  4. Twitter 
  5. Pinterest

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up in Facebook or send me a message on the Contact page of this site. Until then, keep shining Crystal Rocker!